Monday, September 14, 2009

Not weaving for a few days

Hi fellow fiber friends and fellow travelers,
I writing to let folks know that last week this blog was quiet while I quickly knitting up a back up gift for the failed wedding shawls that I suspect will now be a first annaversary present.

Now, the blog continues to be quiet because well... the wedding was a lot of fun.  I've been married for 15 years and did not know that DH could dance.  He did not know I knew how to jitter bug, neither of us thought about our current ages when he tried to lift me up in the air or the fact we had not practiced this little because we had never danced together...

Well, DH is fine and I will be, in a few days I hope.  Nothing serious, but if I move to fast this kitty's tail feels almost as bad as when I had surgery...Note to self - I am no longer 18 and some moves are just not wise without

Anyway, I can't even really sit up to knit, much less weave for a few days.  However I have discovered a new use for those round "neck" pillows (hint they are also very soft for the other sort of cheek when you can't sit down on chairs).

I'm hoping to get back to at least knitting or simple fiber work in a few days and have something to report on.  If this keeps up very long, I will start going over some of my past projects.  Like this past Summer's St. John's Wart dying experiment.

In fact, I may do that as soon as tomorrow - so stay tuned...


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